
Top Shots

  • Full-stack - Ruby on Rails

Inspired by Airbnb marketplace, Top Shots is a platform where users can both book photography sessions with other professionals and offer their own service as photographers. This was my first project, accomplished during one week at Le Wagon’s web development bootcamp, in a team of four students.



  • Full-stack - Ruby on Rails

Our team leader was an Economics teacher, who felt classrooms were in need for some innovation. Nowadays teachers have a lot of students with totally different needs to care for, at the same time. Our solution? Using technology to facilitate the personalisation of tasks given to the students by the professors.



  • UX Design
  • Front-end - HTML & CSS

CommUnity by EIT InnoEnergy is a network of students and entrepreneurs passionate about renewable energy and sustainability, mostly run by volunteers. For various reasons, its platform needed serious improvements, which started with a usability test and ended with a restructure and a couple of new pages.


My Portfolio

  • UX Design
  • Front-end - HTML & CSS

After the bootcamp, I wanted to keep practicing what I’ve learned. While taking online courses and applying for jobs, I built this portfolio, to tell you a bit more about who I am and how I think.


OpenPolicy Europe

  • UX Design
  • Full-stack - Ruby on Rails

OpenPolicy Europe is a digital hub for understanding and engaging with policymaking. It is a tool that allows you to get a better understanding of how the policymaking process works, who’s involved, what policies are in place where, and how you can get involved in policy making.