Hi, I'm Sara, nice to meet you!

   I'm passionate about Sustainability, Renewable Energy and working in multicultural environments. Currently looking for the next opportunity to gain experience as a junior energy engineer!

   During my studies in Chemical and Energy Engineering I’ve focused mostly on the intersection between the two, which translates into things like bioplastics, biodiesel and waste to energy. In parallel to my “scientific side”, I also have an artistic one which I’ve nurtured via hobbies and volunteer work. I’ve learned about graphic and UX Design due to my work for the CommUnity Post and full stack development seemed like an opportunity to combine these two parts of me into one. This took me to a 9-week intensive coding bootcamp at Le Wagon, with who I am now a Teaching Assistant. After that I joined the 42 coding school to dig further into other areas of programming.

   After taking the time to explore and gain new skills, I'm now looking for an opportunity to work in the energy field, to continue learning and developing myself as an energy engineer.